THE STORYTale of two pupators, lovers and haters. Together they will go to work and get their shit rocked, and maybe meet some friends along the way. Will they learn the meaning behind the name pupator? Or will they die trying THE INTRUDERA young man known only as PopeyeFan1997 has mysteriously appeared somewhere on this site. A survivor of a brutal attempt on his life from an unknown assailant, will he be able to spread the word before this attacker strikes again...? THE MEI'm full of high tech nanochips and microplastics, I'm never actually on my site and my computer coughs when I turn it on. I like things like Splatoon (of course), The Walking Dead, Persona, Naoki Urasawa's Monster, My Hero Academia and probably other things. I don't like most other things and especially not drawing While the cephalopods and popeye boy toil away in their respective worlds I will watch over them from the safety of my throne and twirl the wine in my chalice evily |
here an image goes................. and here also
^ I dont remember what I meant by this.