I went to a yard sale and there was this old man sotting rhere I thought to myself hmmm ok I will go there since I got my allowance for getting A+ on my hanna barbera exam at america school so I will buy something And I saw a popeye vhs tape and got super excited because I love popeye ever since I was a small child but it had no cover and it was written in sharpie the title 'POPEYE BLUTOS REVENGE' that's weird I don't remember a popeye short named that and I'm the biggest popeye fan ever I thought or said out loud and the old guy got all scared and sold it to me for 1 penny he wanted it gone IDK why I went home and ignored my mom asking me how my day was ugh that doesn't matter I've gotta watch this tape...! I ran to the popeye themed bedroom which is mine of course as I am a huge popeye fan. And locked my bedroom door behind me and jumped onto my popeye themed bed and put the popeye tape into my vhs player which I have in my room as a teenager in 2023 and watched the tape. It started out normal with the logo and the title card was the same POPEYE BLUTOS REVEMGE and I wondered if this was a rare episode and did not hear of it before so I watched it and looked at the cover some more and noticed the cover wasn't fully ripped off but the picture of popeye had his eyes scribbled out in black sharpie that's weird who would do that I looked back up to the tv with the popeye tape that I bought today playing in the tv and for a while it was staticky for a long while which is odd usually tapes start earlier. |
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but it started after a while and everything was normal so far except I could have sword for a split second the screen went all red and black but it must have been my imagination anyway I keep watching it and popeye is walking through town smoking his pipe like he always does and he goes to his girlfriend olive oyls house but she isn't there and there's a letter on her table and popeye reads it. It says Dear popeye im sorry I am leaving forever goodbye. -olive otl I think to myself Hwat the?! But olive oyl love popeye why would she leave him so suddenly who would make a cartoon like this and there was no jokes either unlike regular popeye which is super funny and made me laugh except this episode is making me scared and sad. The vhs recording got all messed up and for a second it looked like dear popeye was edited to DEAD popeye...... I got a chill down my spine and held my popeye plushie close in fear but kept watching anyway due to my curious nature. This must be a bootleg copy or something because there's no way this is official and also there was no copyright warning at the start either which is suspicious it could mean it was a fake and not a real popeye episode. But I keep watching and popeye starts crying and it made me so sad to see popeye the sailor man cry because usually he was so strong and stronger with the help of his spinahc of course but still strong. I got sad watching him be sad but noticed in the window behind him his enemy and nemesis bluto or sometimes known as brutus was watching with an evil grin but not like normal this one was scary and looked murderous. It faded to black and when it came back popeye was walking again but much sadder or even depressed like and I felt bad for him his girlfriend did leave after all But then suddenly bluto or brutus jumped out behind popeye and yelled IVE GOT YA NOW POPEYE and punched him with his fist wearing a boxing glove but instead of the normal cartoony sound effects it sounded like a real punch and popeye spitted out what looked to be real blood. Peopye would have to eat some spinach to defeat bluto but olive oyl was no longer here to help and give it to him so he was on his own and Bluto knew this because it seemed to be his plan from the start. Bluto grabbed popeye and dragged him back to his scary house and said to him Can't beat me now can you!! I've gotten rid of olive oyl by telling her you didn't love her no more and she'll nevr come back hahaha And hit popeye some more and he couldn't fight back he was crying and sad and I looked away from the screen and screamed in fear because this was not normal at all.....just what is this episode and what is this tale and who was that old man who sold it..? To me Suddenly bluto (brutus) stopped hitting popeye and grabbed an unseen tool that seemed to scare popeye but it was out of sight from the camera until the camera showed it and it was..... blood red spinatch And bluto looked at the screen almost like he was looking AT me and said Now I get to be tha main charactar ahaha I'm sick of bein tha bad guy and gettin none of the attantion and fame that damned popeye gets And I started crying for my fear it is not normal for them to use curse words in these cartoons whoever made this was truly evil..! But deep down I knew the only person who could have made something this scary could only be.... the devil And then the screen got staticky and I couldn't see what was happening but popeye screamed in fear like I did and when the picture faded back in popeye was DEAD......like the letter that said DEAD popeye.... and Brito was covered in blood and laughing a terrifying realistic laugh and then he ate the bloody spinach and enjoyed it even though it seemed to be human blood in the spinach.. I almost threw up but kept watching because of the curious nature and then bluto said I'm comin' fer YOU next and then everybody will be watchin BLUTO the sailor man!!! And then I realized he didn't tell olive oyl that popeye did not love her anymore and caused her to write the note and run away which was a falsehood but that he KILLED her too....... And the credits rolled and I was still very very scared and the credits were soaked blood red and covered in bones and other scary things and the copywright date showing the year the cartoon made was... 19666.I cried out and started tearing down all my popeye photos and merchandise off my walls and shelves in my despair over what I just saw from the tape I bought today. Once the recording ended my tv just went back to loud creepy static and the vhs popped the tape out so I took the tape out of the vhs player and smashed it with my trusty hammer I keep in my bedroom for safety and smashed it over and over but the tape did not break it just stayed there solid and mocking me so I took it outside and threw it in the garbage and watched the garbage tuck pick it up and take it away and breathed a sigh of relief. Glad that's over so I walked back inside and my mom was watching the news and said Oh no look at this one of our neighbors died! And I looked and it was... the old man who sold me the tape just one hour ago.... and they say the cause of death was punches from a huge strong man with a big boxing glove and I realized. I am next. And then there was a knock at the door and when I opened it fearfully........... bluto was there |